Oral Presentations

Guidelines for participants and presenters
Conference Etiquette
Mobile phones and other portable devices should be placed on ‘silent’ or turned off during sessions. Please also respect speakers and other delegates and refrain from talking during presentations.
Guidelines for Paper Presenters
NOTE: Presenters are requested to check their room number before their session starts (ie. early in the morning or during a coffee/lunch break).
Technical staff will be on-hand to assist you in all meeting rooms. Presenters should not provide their own laptop as presentations will be loaded onto the main session room computer. It is recommended that you bring your presentation on a USB memory stick and if possible, also carry a back-up USB version in case one file is corrupted.
NOTE: If there are movie clips included in your presentation you must bring the original movie files as well as the PowerPoint file, otherwise your movie clips may not run.
Presentations must be supplied in PowerPoint (PC/Mac) format. All computers operate on Windows 10 and Office 2016 formats.
In each session room you will see a set of folders on the desktop, detailing the sessions taking place that day i.e. Parallel Session 1, Parallel Session 2. Please save your presentation file in the correct presentation folder to ensure that it is ready for your presentation. Our technicians and volunteers will be on hand to help you with this process.
Presentation Timing
Presenters are asked to make their way to the room in which they are presenting a minimum of ten minutes prior to the start of the session to allow them to meet the chair of the session and upload their presentation before the session starts. The chairs will remind the presenter of their timings before the start of the session.
All presenters have 15 minutes for their presentation. We strongly advise you to stick to the structure of your paper by including the introduction, methodology, results, conclusions and references, adhering to the outline of the Power Point template. Then, there will be further 5 minutes for discussion with the room chair, participants and attendees.
Keeping to Time
The programme contains a high number of presentations and it is therefore imperative that the sessions start and finish on time. Please ensure you keep within your allocated presentation time otherwise the Chair will ask you to conclude.
Questions and Answers
There will be microphones in all larger conference rooms for use during the Q&A sessions. Smaller meeting rooms do not require microphones.
Audio Visual Support
There will be volunteers in the room should any problems occur with the audio-visual equipment. Please seek their support if you require this at any time during your presentation.