Job Market Simulation

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6th Job Market Simulation
Call for Submissions

Date & Time: 28th of May from 14:00 until 17:00

The Job Market will take place at the third floor in the following rooms: 0319, 0320, 0321, 0329, 0334

The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) is organizing the 6th Job Market Simulation.

The goal of this workshop is helping students who are seeking a tenure-track position in marketing at a business school that recruits in the summer/fall of 2024.

The workshop will be held on May 28 from 2-5 p.m. in Bucharest, Romania. It will run immediately after the Doctoral Colloquium (DC). This means that students who are planning to apply for the Doctoral Consortium may also apply for this workshop. However, the admission processes for these two events are independent.

The Job Market Simulation will focus primarily on the research presentation the students are expected to make during their first-round interviews, where participants of the workshop will have the opportunity to present once to a group of professors to practice and get feedback. The workshop will also address several do’s and don’ts of the first-round interviews as well as campus visits.

Student selection criteria:

  • Students who are seeking a tenure-track position in marketing at a business school that recruits in the summer/fall of 2024 (commitment must be clearly stated!)
  • Students who are coming from schools that have little or no experience with the job market process (criterion only applies if there are far too many applications)

Application materials:

  • One job market paper (i.e., one completed working paper, which is unpublished; it may, of course, be under review at a journal)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Recommendation letter from the advisor
  • One-page motivation letter from the student (Please clearly indicate if you do not want us to share your profile with hiring schools!)

Submission link:

Submission deadline: March 15, 2024, 12:00 CET

If admitted to the Job Market Simulation, students will be required to register and pay a fee of 20 Euros that covers beverages and snacks on May 28.


Peter Ebbes (HEC Paris), Jacob Goldenberg (Reichman University), and Andreas Lanz (University of Basel)

Questions should be directed to Andreas Lanz (

26th - 31st
of May 2024

EMAC 2024 Annual Conference

Bucharest, Romania